
Friday, April 27, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday

I think linking up with Lauren for my very first Fill in the Blank Friday would be a great kick off to an amazing weekend! Here we go!

1.  When I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is, press least three times. I'm not a morning person!

2.   I can hardly wait for   a birthday date with the boy tonight! I absolutely love date nights!

3.  The quickest way to my heart is     food       because     I'm a fatty at heart. It's surprising that I don't weigh 500lbs. I.LOVE.FOOOOD!

4. A little known fact about me is that    as a kid I was a bit of a tomboy. Four-wheelers, dirt bikes, dirt, mud, and more dirt....just thinking about those days makes me want to take a shower!

5. The best part about my job is    spending the day loving on amazing kids. The toddlers I work with come from really bad homes and almost all are developmentally delayed. Nothing is more rewarding than watching them meet their goals and grow!

6. Something I just couldn't live without is    my straightener! I have naturally curly hair and let me tell you, that huge, frizzy look I have after blow-drying is not cute!

7.  Something useful that I wish I knew how to do is  pretty much anything Martha Stewart can do. She annoys me with how crafty/Susie Homemaker-y she is! Why am I not like that?!?

Have fun and enjoy your weekend!
            Yours Truly ♥


  1. I found you through The little things...and I love your blog! YOur job sounds great...I am a special ed teacher!


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