
Monday, April 23, 2012


Well, after a few weeks of obsessively stalking blogs and dreaming of my own, I finally started one! Researching ways to create a successful blog was nothing short of intimidating but I'm excited to see where this all takes me.

First, I would like to officially welcome you to my first ever blog! You can look forward to reading about my latest bargain finds, newest beauty obsessions, and of course, ramblings of my ultra exciting life! (and much MUCH more!)

I guess it's time to introduce myself. I'm Jenna, an almost 23-year-old (this Thursday!) college graduate living in the very exciting (sarcasm) real world. I graduated with a degree in Social Work and am using it in the classroom. I work for an agency that services homeless families in my county, more specifically, with the toddlers of these families. I spend my days with 8 rambunctious, loud, crazy, beautiful, and loveable toddlers ranging from the ages of one and a half to three! I absolutely love my job and wouldn't trade it for anything! You can find out more information about the agency I work for here: SOS Community Services.

I love fashion, beauty, and working out (that's a lie). I spend way too much money on hair products, make-up, and Essie nail polish. I'm addicted to shopping and often need the voice of reason (my boyfriend).

Speaking of my boyfriend....
isn't he handsome?! That's Justin. My baseball obsessed boyfriend. I'm a saint for putting up with all his baseball shenanigans (joking....but lets be honest...). He spent his four years at college as a left-handed pitcher, more importantly looking good in his uniform. Now, he's working hard for his money. He's the varsity head coach of a high school baseball team (baseball) and teaches pitching and hitting lessons (more baseball). Oh, and if you ever need toner for your printer...hit him up!

Another handsome fellow you should meet... fat cat. Charlie. Charles. Beebs. Greatest cat in the world. This gray fur ball has attitude for days and I'm pretty sure he thinks he's a human.

I could sit here and ramble for hours, but no one likes that. I'm excited to get this thing going and seeing where it leads!

Until then...

                        Yours Truly ♥

1 comment:

  1. JSimps this is thee most perfect first post! You are going to be so great at this blogging thing! You better keep up with it! I am already stoked to read your next post!
    My top 3 parts of your post:
    1. " more importantly looking good in his uniform" baha you are so out of control!
    2. "Oh, and if you ever need toner for your printer...hit him up!" way to pimp out JB
    3. That pic of Charlie has to be the creepiest pic evvv!


Your sweet comments make my day! Thank you for stopping by my blog. Hope to hear from you again :) xoxo