
Friday, May 4, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday


1.  My bedtime routine includes, brush my teeth, wash my face, lay in bed while I stalk twitter, facebook, instagram, and blogger, roll over and fall asleep....boring.

2.   I am impatiently waiting for Justin to get here so we can go out to eat (a.k.a. I really need a drink after my emotional day at work!)

3.  I can't stand the smell of peanut butter because well, I'm allergic to all nuts. It makes sense really. But peanut butter smells like straight up poison to me!

4. My idea of relaxation would be getting a massage and then chillin' poolside, getting my tan on. Really, at this point, my idea of relaxation would be anything not associated with work!

5. If I had an extra $50, I would go shopping, obviously. Is this even a serious question?? I'm a shopaholic!     

6. The best thing about a bloggy friend is they always have the nicest things to say! Their sweet comments always makes me smile.

7.  A recipe I've been dying to try is Cinnamon Roll Pancakes. Does that not sound amazing? I would rather have someone else make them for me, but I'll attempt them if I have to.

Link up with Lauren to fill in the blanks!

Have a great weekend!!

           Yours Truly ♥


  1. these are cute! i may have to link up next week.

  2. Thanks for visiting my blog, yours is adorable. Love it !!!

  3. What a cute blog!!! Can't wait to keep reading from you...thanks for stopping by my blog, sweet girl! Happy weekend to you!!!

  4. Hey hope your having a good weekend! You have a cute blog! Would love it if you checked out my blog and we can follow each other if you like?

    Sita xx


Your sweet comments make my day! Thank you for stopping by my blog. Hope to hear from you again :) xoxo