
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Liebster Blog Award

Well, I must admit that I'm preeeetty excited that I got nominated for my first ever blog award! Kalie over at With Style and Grace was kind enough to nominate me! (Check out her blog, it's one of my faves!)

So I guess there's some kinda of rules to this whole blog award thing, so lets get started!

Here are the rules:

1. Choose 5 up and coming blogs to give the award to, must have 200 or less followers.
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who nominated you by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. List the blogs you gave the award to with a link to their site. Leave a comment on their blog to let them know they have received the award.
5. Share five random facts about yourself.

The bloggers I nominate are:

Melissa @ Living Holland
Jazmine @ Life as a Young Mom
Brie @ Brielle Belle
Ashley @ Dancing With Ashley
Heather @ Sweet Southern Sass

Go and check out their blogs!

And 5 random things about me?? I hate these things....

1. I'm addicted to Hint of Lime Tostitos. I can go through a bag in one sitting.
2. I learned how to ride a bike without training wheels on my 3rd birthday. My mom said I was determined, and well, I guess I was. I like to brag about this little fact...
3. I love the show Beyond Scared Strait. I cry almost every episode because it reminds me of the kids I work with.
4. I'm allergic to nuts...sweet life.
5. If I could be anything, I would be an astronaut. I think going up into space would be sweet.

xoxo, J


  1. thankkkks! i am with you on the hint of lime. i can basically eat an entire bag in one sitting. its slightly disgusting!
    my fiance likes beyond scared straight. i used to work with at-risk youth and now work in an adult prison, so i feel like im at work whenever i watch those shows! hehe im still obsessed with crime shows though for some reason, which is odd to me.
    thanks again! :)

  2. Thank you so much! Your blog is pretty awesome :)


Your sweet comments make my day! Thank you for stopping by my blog. Hope to hear from you again :) xoxo