
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday

Ladies, it's here again.


It really is sad how much I look forward to Wednesdays just so I can participate in this link up. It's most definitely because I'm so obsessed with Pinterest and I love seeing what you all pin.

So join me and link up with Michelle over at The Vintage Apple to share some of your Pinterest finds!

Theme for this week: SUMMER!

Partially because summer is my absolute favorite season of the year (but isn't it all of us Michiganders fav?) but mostly because I am still in denial that my days of carefree, easy-going summer days are long gone. It's been a whole year since I graduated college and I still don't think I've come to terms with the fact that I'm a FULL-TIME working woman. BARF! All you ladies in my shoes, I hope these Pinterest finds make you feel slightly better about reality as they do for me.

I wish I could get paid for being a beach bum... wouldn't that be the life? And there goes Pinterest, making me want to throw my whole life away just to be a bum living in a hut in Hawaii. But tell me that doesn't sound a little enticing?

xoxo, J

(P.S. Sorry for the jacked up spacing between some of the pictures. I can't figure out what's going on and I don't have time to fix it! Blogger makes me want to kick a kitten sometimes.)


  1. I'm a full-time working woman for the first summer this year too. I can't even handle it. I don't even like to talk about it. Boo!

    Summers are what I {used} to live for. Sigh. I can't work this way forever, so I may have to change up my careers later on, ha! But, thanks for sharing these summer pins! :)

  2. Campfires on the relaxing!
    And porch swings at the beach...could be the greatest thing on Earth!
    Love your pins!! :)

  3. LOVE your blog! & the pins. It's now been two years since I've graduated from college and this will be my second summer I won't get off. I agree with you when you say: BARF! haha it's no fun...but the getting paid part isn't too bad! Here's to hoping for a great summer - even if it's in the office!

    XOXO, Amy Lynn

  4. Blogger makes me want to kick a kitten often as well. My OCD brain cannot take their crap.

    And it's been TWO whole years for me and I want to kick several kittens seeing all my college friends talking about doing nothing all summer. Betches!

  5. Amazing post... makes me want to be at the beach, like now.

  6. GORGEOUS! Thanks for the inspirational post. Love your blog!


Your sweet comments make my day! Thank you for stopping by my blog. Hope to hear from you again :) xoxo