
Friday, June 22, 2012

Going to Confession

1) I've been really bad at keeping track of my calories on the MyFitnessPal app this week. Mainly because I've been stuffing my face with whatever I want. There's only one thing I can say to that....YOLO.

2) I'm addicted to Pretty Little Liars. I secretly wish that there was a new episode on every single day. It's so cheesy but at the same time so good. And I'm not going to lie, I let out a little scream while watching this week's episode.

3) I put kids in time-out at work even though we're technically not supposed to. Go ahead and judge me. You would too if a toddler called you a mother f***** every time you told them to do something they didn't want to do. Sitting down for a couple minutes never killed anyone.

4) We had a massive breakout of Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease at work this week. Five out of my eight toddler's got it. I spent all week checking my hands and mouth for blisters. So far, disease free!

5) I'm still addicted to my iPhone. I find myself constantly checking it during the day. Like every 15 minutes. Sign me up for iPhone rehab. I'm going to need an intervention soon before it's too late.

6) I wiped out a shelve of $1 reusable waterbottles at Family Dollar yesterday. I seriously rolled my cart right under the shelf and pushed all 16 waterbottles into my cart. The lady gave me a really judgmental look when I rolled on up to the cash register, but once I told her it was for the homeless kid's I work with, she just thought I was the sweetest thing in the world. But then when she found out I had a tax exempt card with me, she hated me all over again. 

Link-up with Leslie to join the confession! Have a wonderful weekend, ladies!


  1. Just ordered Pretty Little Liars on Netflix and I think I'm gonna love it! I'm also HORRIBLE at tracking cals and exercise on MyFitnessPal this week...oops! Thanks for linking up!

  2. I've never heard of hand mouth foot disease (and I'm a teacher!) Is that something only small children under the age of 5 get? How do they get it?!

  3. Hey there - visiting from Confessional Friday! Now following your blog, girl! TOO cute!

    I absolutely LOVE MFP too! Such a great site for accountability and good weight loss buddies! Feel free to find me on there - I love this mutual positive encouragement thing!

    Username: LifeofMeg

    Happy Friday!!

    [Life of Meg]

  4. LOL i love Pretty Little Liars... i watched all of season one in like one week when i was recovering from surgery and I can't wait to watch more!

    I just got the Essie in the mail! Thank you so much, I love the colors!!


  5. I laughed the whole time haha love that you're putting them in time out lol

  6. That app never worked for me for the saw exact reasons...

  7. I LOVE PLL and haven't caught an episode yet...I am horrible. I need to get on that!

    We totally put the toddlers "under the window". I'm kind of getting sick of reading all about "positive guidance"...sometimes a kid needs to know you're pissed and they're in trouble.

    And we had a few cases of HFM in the baby room (I'm the lead in the infant room of a daycare but I really work everywhere)...luckily there were only two! But then a kid had pink eye last week. Kids are gross.

    1. MyFitnessPal is the best app - but it really is hard to keep up with. I also like the Livestrong ap.
    2. Pretty Little Liars = love but I am so far behind. I need a netflix catch up weekend.

  9. I love your blog! So I nominated you for Ther Versatile Blogger Award! :)


  10. I just started watching pretty little liars and that is pretty much all i've done today. I'm on episode 9 and am hooked and slightly embarrassed. : )


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