
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Meet My Sponsors - Joanna

Happy Tuesday, ladies! Today, I have a real treat for you. Meet Joanna! When I received an e-mail from this lovely fashionista about being interested in sponsoring my blog, I was beyond honored! I've only been blogging since the end of April, and the fact that someone like Joanna would want to sponsor my little 'ol blog was the biggest compliment. So without further ado, I'll let Joanna introduce herself (and her amazing wardrobe that I wish I had access to).

Hey guys! I'm Joanna from ModaMama, and the first thing I should say is that I totally suck at writing introductions.  It's such an awkward concept for me to write to you trying to say,"  Hey, here's what I do.  Here's how cool I am."  Mostly 'cause I'm sooo not cool.  I'm an actor, sci-fi nerc, drama geek who acts and host a tv show for a living, plays with swords (I do kung fu) and gets all giggle over a ruffled dress.  See?  So not cool.  I'd say I'm the opposite of cool, except that would be hot, and that would just be awkward.  So....anyway, yup. *awkward pause*  Howdy, do!

I guess what's relevant is that ModaMama is my own personal style blog.  It's where I play, and dress up, and feel like it's for some special reason other than going to playgroup.  And yes, I have worn a maxi leopard print dress to play group, why do you ask?

Trust me, that got some looks, but I'm used to it *have I mentioned the not-cool thing?*  So yeah, I basically use you guys as my huge excuse to get dressed up, spend whatever disposable income I have on clothes, and take pictures, lots of pictures.  But may I say, that my readers are such a wonderful excuse indeed!

Sometimes I also go to things like film premieres and theatre galas, and I take pictures of what I wear to that too.

I jump at any chance to dress up because really, where else are you going to where this jumper?  In all honesty though, I'd really wear that to a coffee date too. I'm kind of weird that way.  I like to dress up and be as glamorous as possible.  You only go around once right?

But mostly, and if you stop by you'll see this a lot, I wear dress, after dress, after dress.  I really haven't met a dress I haven't liked yet.

Oh, but I should warn you.  If you stop by, you'll get a lot of "sassy sarcasm" as one reader put it, and mostly about this little diva and her Papa.

Thanks for reading!  Hope to see you over at ModaMama!


  1. What a gorgeous sponsor! Love her look :)

  2. I love your blog layout! SO cute!!

  3. I seriously can't believe you've only been blogging since april! you seem like a freaking pro who's been doing it their whole life! congrats on the the sponsor!


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