
Thursday, July 26, 2012

I Actually Crafted

Ladies, a couple weekends ago, I actually crafted. This. Is. Big. You see, I have a weird insecurity about crafting. I always want to try all this amazing DIY projects, but I'm afraid of failing. Nothing is more depressing than spending your time trying to perfect a project and then it turns out like a pile of cow manure cover in flies. But, I put my insecurity aside and started a DIY project, a twine-wrapped letter door hanger (which I saw on Pinterest, obvi.) And, I must say, it turned out great!

What do you need? A wooden or cardboard letter found at any craft store, jute twine, scrap fabric, a hot glue gun, and ribbon. That's it, that's all!

How to start? Hot glue the twine around the top of the letter. This will keep the twine anchored as you begin to wrap the letter. From here, just wrap the twine around the letter! Be patient, it's tedious and takes some time. I had a hard time keeping the twine wrapped around the curved part of the 'J', so I just used some hot glue where needed.

This is what your letter should look like when you're finished wrapping it with twine! Easy, peasy! Now it's time to make the fabric flowers. I picked up some scrap, off-white fabric at JoAnn Fabric's for $1. Simply cut a long strip of fabric...

Fold the strip of fabric in half, long ways, and begin to roll! I like to gather the fabric strip to make the fabric flower look a tad more like a flower. When you have the fabric strip rolled to look like you would like, hot glue the end of the fabric to the back of the flower. Let the hot glue cool before gluing it onto your letter. I made three fabric flowers, you could make as many or as little as you would like.

The hard part (which isn't really even hard) is over! Now all that is left is securing the ribbon onto the back of the letter with hot glue...

...and tie the ribbon into a bow. I put a little bit of hot glue inside the bow to keep it from coming apart in the future. And voila! You have yourself a super easy, and super cute, door hanger!

You can make this yourself, or if you're like me and a little on the lazy side with DIY projects, I've set up a super professional (that's me being sarcastic) Etsy shop where you can purchase one of these lovely door hangers from Yours Truly! You can find it here. And please don't judge the bareness of my Etsy page. It's a work in progress, a.k.a. I'm too busy to make it look nice right now!


  1. That's so cute! I just posted one of my crafting adventures too!! I love this!

  2. Toooo cute! You did an awesome job. :) That's on my list of crafts to do for the baby's room/area. Might have to really go for it now since you succeeded. ;)

  3. How cute! I've got the same crafting problem!

  4. LOVE it!!! Looks so cute! you did an awesome job. I know when I did my K it took along time to wrap it but I loved how it turned out!

  5. Aw, it turned out so cute!! I've also got the crafting problem. I've only done one pinterest craft and it's one of my larger boards haha.

    Live, Laugh, Love, Teach

  6. Cute!! I have been wanting to do this but H seems hard ha.

  7. I feel the same way about crafting. I want to do it but I'm such a perfectionist. You just gave me a little inspirational drive to craft something. ---yours turned out really cute by the way

  8. So cute!!!! I have got to try this :)

    <3 Melissa

  9. jenna! it turned out fabulous!! i love it! so freaking cute! are you selling these now? love you! xo Kelly

  10. That is really cute! I like it a lot.

  11. You should totally link this up on The Pinterest Project!!! It's a linky party I'm co-hosting. This is super cute.

  12. That it super cute!! I think I am going to try to do it myself!


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