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Circa Sophomore year in college. Most likely after a Jon and Kate + 8 marathon |
Well, the tattoo bug has bit me again. I've been obsessing over getting another one, mainly because I obsess over everything. It's been about a year since I decided I wanted a second tattoo, but I just wasn't sure what I wanted. I got my first tattoo while on Spring Break in Florida during my Junior year of college. And no, I wasn't drunk. I was 110% sober.
I got the Greek word agape tattooed on my foot (thanks for pointing out the obvious, Jenna). Agape means love, unconditional love, and is used to describe the love that God has for us. Long story short, when I was going through a rough time in high school, a girl who was a year older than I was, slipped an encouraging note in my locker. In that note she wrote about 'agape', God's love for us, and how with his strength and love we can get through anything. I would pull that note out and read it every time I felt discouraged. Since then, the word agape has meant a lot to me.
This past weekend, while perusing tattoos on Pinterest, I decided on what I want my next tattoo to be. I want something that signifies this difficult time in my life filled with changes, but I also want something that can be meaningful in all situations.
You see, I have this big problem with worrying. I get it from my father. I worry about everything. Sometimes, to the point that I make myself physically sick. I have a really hard time at just slowing down and having faith that everything will work out. When I'm worrying about something I have no control over or I am anxious about days to come, Justin always says five simple words that help me to feel more at ease...
one day at a time
I love this. Every situation seems so big and scary when we look at the big picture. But if we step back and remember to take things one day at a time, our struggles and difficult stages in life seem so much more manageable.
There are a few tattoo placements that I love...
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I've always really loved the look of wrist tattoos, but I'm afraid of getting a tattoo some place that I can't easily cover up with clothing (unless I always wear long sleeves or a hideous turtleneck). Most people say this because of job interviews and honestly, I couldn't care less about covering tattoos for job interviews. My concern, MY WEDDING! Whenever that may be. I don't want my tattoo's showing for all to see while I'm dressed like a princess on my wedding day.
For that reason, I'm definitely going with a rib tattoo. Yes, I know it's super painful. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous!
So, in a couple months, if I decided that I still really want that tattoo, you can expect a blog post about it! If it were up to me and my need for instant gratification, I would have had this tattoo yesterday. But Justin is a wise one and suggested I wait a couple months to make sure that I still love the idea before inking myself permanently. The kid does have some good ideas every once in a while...
I would love to hear your opinion on tattoos!
Okay so I got my rib tattoo earlier this year, and I was SOOOOOO nervous. I worked it up in my head that it was going to be the most painful thing I'll ever experience (since I had a fantastic epidural, birthing my son wasn't all that painful haha). The verdict? It hurt more in some places than others, but it was tolerable. It was uncomfortable more than painful if that makes sense. I think it helped that I worked it up so much in my head, that when it happened, it was less pain than what I had imagined it. You'll love it! THeir so sexy & a wrist one will be my next one :)
ReplyDeleteAww thanks for the shout out JSimps! You're the freakin best! This blog post def set me up to have thee best bday ev! And if not it will at least be better than my 21st! I'm so glad to have you in my life to share that beautimous pic with all 300 of your followers! Seriously though I'm pretty sure noone has ever been so kind and supportive as you are! And that's why I'm thankful to have you around to build me up on my BIRTHDAY! I wish we could hit up Red Lobs for some drinks and play some tipsy Scrabble but I will settle for a day of work!
ReplyDeleteI love tattoos, and that idea for yours. I don't necessarily think every tattoo has to have some profound meaning behind it, but it's always nice for it to be special. Like take my 3rd tattoo, I have Hello Kitty's bow behind my right ear. Why? Because I love her and always have since I was a little girl and it's something that makes me, me. Nothing too deep. But then my 2nd tattoo is 5 roses around my left ankle representing all my "mothers" in my life...it's beautiful and meaningful. Waiting is always a good idea too, hastiness can be a downfall when it comes to permanent ink on your body. ;)
ReplyDeleteI love tattoos! I hate needles, but love tattoos and put myself thru the pain! I have four. I have one on the top middle of my back (its the biggest and was my first) and then one on my right foot and one on each wrist, but it different places. I've found wrist tattoos aren't all that hard to cover up! My watch (which I know you won't wear on your wedding day) always covers them up. I'm worried about the one on my back. Unless I have long long hair and leave it down on my wedding day, you will be able to see it. I have definitely thought about having it covered up that day only. While I love that tattoo and its meaning, I wish I would have gotten it somewhere else. Way to think things through :)
ReplyDeleteLove the new tattoo! You're brave to get a rib tattoo, can't wait to see it!
ReplyDeleteI love those placements too! I have no idea where I would ever get it. The one along the forearm is my favorite but you can see it too easy so i think I'd go with the rib. Your's is really cute too, love how little and simple it is!
ReplyDeletei love your new tattoo! my next one is going to say, this too shall pass, because i'm also a HUGE worrier and my grandma always used to say that to me.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE these. I have a symbol that means 'life, love and loyalty' on my back towards neck :) I don't regret and can't imagine I ever will. You should check out my bangles giveaway - they fit this theme exactly, and can hang out on your wrist until time for a tattoo ;)
ReplyDeleteSo awesome! I got my first tattoo 2 years ago, my left side, and have been DYING to get a second one. I have placement and a huge idea of what I'm going to get. Now it's just down to finding the time and the money =)