
Thursday, August 16, 2012


News flash: I'm not perfect.

I know, I know, you're all shocked. I seem like an angel from the high heavens gracing Blogger with my wisdom and knowledge. But the truth is people, I'm human...

Okay, but for real, I'm definitely not perfect.

Sometimes, I say I'm frustrated about one thing and start a fight over it, when really I'm mad about something completely different...
...just ask Justin.
Sometimes, I'm selfish and pout like a toddler when I don't get my way...

Sometimes, I judge people. Like Miley Cyrus and her hideous new haircut...

Sometimes Most of the time, I lie about how much I spent shopping. Oh, that purse was $79.99? I definitely say I spent $70.
Sometimes, it takes me a couple days to do something I was asked to do because I'm lazy...

Sometimes, I'm cynical and expect the worst out of people...
Sometimes, I hold grudges...

But the best part of not being perfect? FORGIVENESS.

I never understand how Justin forgives me so easily, without the slightest grudge, after I was the biggest brat, but I am so thankful for it.
I'll never understand how I can mess up time and time again, and God still forgives me.

But I love it.
It's comforting knowing that the people who love you the most think you're worth their forgiveness...
...knowing that they know you're human...
...that you make mistakes...
...that you're not perfect...

It's comforting knowing that we have another chance to be better... make things right... redeem ourselves...

It's comforting knowing we're not alone in being human.


  1. Way to preach that truth JSimps! I love that you're versatile enough to make me laugh out loud about tandem biking with jbarbs, your makeup, and to be deep like this in the same week. This is why you're my bestie!

  2. What a great post! Forgiveness is so sweet!

    Live, Laugh, Love, Teach

  3. Will you forgive me after saying I like Miley's new cut, maybe not the color, but good for her showing she's not always following the crowd. :P

  4. I totally judge Miley too, she was soo cute!

    Forgiveness is amazing, it's something that I wish there was more of out there in the world :)

    <3 Melissa

  5. No worries, I had a hissey fit last night because I couldn't find the tray to our George Forman grill... pathetic. I was really upset over something totally different but that didn't stop me from throwing and slinging and yelling ugly things. My poor husband.


  6. I'm in shock over Miley's hair! And she says she's never felt more like herself! Does that mean she's a skater at heart!? Anyway, as for your post, love it. None of us are perfect and I love, love, love that the people who really care about me are always willing to forgive me. It's one of the best gifts we can give each other.

  7. love how fresh this post is. I can 100% relate!

  8. This is such a great post :) I also judged Miley's hair... I'm not a fan of it :) Happy weekend girl!


  9. Miley is wack. Never cared for her! Her and Amanda Bynes have totally fallen off the band wagon!


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