I've had my fair share of embarrassing moments in my day....
...like that time in Middle School when I started my period during class and my male classmate yelled across the room that I accidentally sat in chocolate....
...that time I gave blood at school and then passed out in the middle of the lunch room, but not before I blacked out and ran into a metal door frame and cut my forehead...
...that time I fell down the volcano in Guatemala, except that we were already at the bottom and on flat land when I tripped and fell on my face...in donkey poo. And then Justin asked me if I was going to get up without even offering me a hand. It was then that I fell in love with him....not....
...that time I had twelve too many adult beverages and everyone decided to go skinny dipping but I was too shmammered to get my skinny jeans over my feet...
...that time I fell up the stairs in High School and my purse and books fell down all in front of the popular Senior studs...
...that time my brother and I both wore yellow tank tops to Cedar Point/Splash City and we ended up getting out tops switched around after the waterpark so I walked around Cedar Point with my little girl nips showing. Okay, so I wasn't old enough to be embarrassed at that time, but it's embarrassing to look back on.
Justin always says, "It's only awkward if you make it akward" but that's not always true. Sometimes, situations are down right embarrassing no matter how you put it. That's life for ya!
Embarrassing moments build character...am I right???
You have an amazing amount of talent lady! HAHAH But I'm totally the master at falling UP stairs. At home, at school, in public anywhere, I'd trip going up stairs...I think it's a blonde thing. :P
ReplyDeleteWhoa - plenty of embarrassing moments... I'm just glad you're okay after all that. ;o)
ReplyDeleteHey, at least it wasn't a flat-on-your-face fall! That's some talent!
Live, Laugh, Love, Teach
Ahhh hahaha I love this!! I have definitely had my fair share of embarrassing moments and you are right that they are character builders! Just have to laugh it off :)
ReplyDeleteomg hahahah! i remember the whole period thing in highschool..i was always checking my behind to make sure nothing came through..its funny bc i was such a psycho about it in high school but now i dont even think about it! love your stories! love you! xoxo Kelly
ReplyDeleteHahaha this is so me! I couldn't even tell you how many stupid things I've done like this. My shins are constantly bruised.
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