
Monday, August 20, 2012

The House That Built Me

This, my friends, is my humble abode. Well, at least for another couple of weeks. My parents built this house 15 years ago, and has been my absolute favorite place on earth. I had thee best childhood in this house. With my cousin/best friend living right down the small private drive, we spent so many days swimming in the pool, riding through the woods on four-wheelers and dirt bikes, and making so many amazing memories.

Obviously, this place is huge. A couple years ago, after my sister and I both went to college and my brother was getting ready to, my parents decided to put our lovely home up for sale. There wasn't going to be any need for such a large home in the near future, and with the state of the economy, it was getting hard for my parents to keep up with the bills.

It took two years, so it shouldn't have been such a huge surprise once the house sold.

But, with everything that's happened in the last year, it's been pretty difficult. Last October, my parents decided to get a divorce. I wasn't completely surprised. Things hadn't been good between them for a while and honestly, I was bracing myself for it. But no matter how much you "prepare" for something like that, you can't. I've come to terms with my parent's not being together since then, but having to move out of our house is a new level of mourning the brokenness of my family.

This house is the last physical thing I have that holds memories of my family when things were good.

I was doing pretty decent with the house selling until this past Saturday. We have to be moved out of our house the first week of September, and before this weekend, my mom and I had nowhere to live! Thankfully, we found a nice looking apartment at a decent price to rent, and it just happened to be the last apartment in the entire complex with an early September move in date.

Feeling relieved that we have a place to live and won't be homeless, I was on a mission to get ready for the quickly approaching moving date. I spent a good 8 hours cleaning out my room and a few other rooms. I was surprised at how easily I was able to just throw away or donate my belongings, but thankful for that strength at the same time. Moving from a 3,800+ square foot home to an apartment is not an easy thing! We have a lot of junk! The sadness didn't hit me until later.

Oh, and did it hit me.

It's hard moving away from the place you've called home with your family for the last 15 years. Once I graduated college, I moved home to be with my family, and now I'm moving out. It sucks.

As much as I would love for time to stop so I can enjoy my home for a little while longer, I also just want the next couple of weeks to get over with so I can move on. As hard as it's going to be to move away from our home, I think it's going to be good for my mom and I. Especially my mom. It will be a good time to heal and move on from the past year.

I'm just trying to think about all the positive things about this move. It's definitely hard and I tend to be a Negative Nancy, but I don't want to walk around all depressed for the next couple of weeks. I found this quote on Pinterest yesterday and have decided it's going to be my motto to get my through the hard times to come.

I promise happy Jenna will be back tomorrow! I just needed to get this off my chest, and what better place than my blog; a place where I can be me and be real. Happy Monday, lovelies! I hope your week is off to a great start!


  1. This was a beautiful post. You shouldn't apologize for speaking what's on your mind. A similar thing happened to me where my parents got divorced while I was in college and it was weird not having a "home" to come home too like all my friends. It does get easier, I promise. Keep your chin up :)

  2. Sorry Jenna, I know what you're going through. It'll be ok though. You still have those memories which are way better. xoxoxoxoxo

  3. I've had a similar situation in my life, so I completely understand. It's very hard!

  4. That house is gorgeous! I am sorry that you are going through this. I have been there and it is not easy to get over. It's been ten years for my parents and it is still hard. But you will get through it.

  5. Beautiful post. And wow your house is so nice! And I'm glad you and your mom found a new place.

  6. Oh sweet girl, I will be sending a multitude of thoughts and prayers your way as your family moves. I know that is going to be so incredibly hard, but you will get through it- and you will be a stronger person because of it! xoxo

  7. It's so hard to say goodbye to a beloved home. I hope you love your new place and I know you will create more great memories anywhere you go!

  8. Thinking about you girl! I know it is hard to leave your home. I hope things get better for you and your mom. You will always have memories from "home" even though your family no longer owns it. Stay strong!

  9. Aww man that is some tough stuff. Especially when your house is THAT beautiful and you have THAT many memories. But you just have to remember that you'll make more memories to add to that long list of awesomeness that was your childhood. And one day you'll have your own home to make even more with your own family and you'll have learned how to make it work forever. I shall be shining sweet thoughts over your way this week. Stay strong love bug!

  10. While circumstances are very different, I am sharing your pain in having to say goodbye to a house that has been such a huge part of your life. Stay strong love!

  11. Oh, I so understand. It's one of those difficult but sometimes unavoidable things life throws at us. Sending good thoughts your way! <3

  12. It's a chapter in your life you lived to the fullest you can close that chapter & get ready to start this new chapter of your life it may be bumpy but you'll get through it

  13. Sometimes it does take a while to hit you. I know I wasn't sad when I moved until my mom and I were pulling out of the driveway, then tears formed and I remembered all the good times. Which is exactly what you have, memories, pictures, thoughts...they never leave you, even when you leave that special place. So chin up pretty lady, good things are coming your way! :)

  14. I can't imagine how hard all of this must be for you. I hope that you can keep smiling and know that no matter what your life is good and you have all that you need no matter where you are. I bet it's really good your mom has you through all of this as well! Thinking of you!


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