
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fall Dresses

Sorry I've been MIA in Bloggerville lately (not that you missed me or anything!) but I've been so busy showing off my bling to some of my best girlfriends!

Just in case you wanted to see it again!
I'm currently depressed. Why you ask? Because yesterday on my lunch break I dropped my baby, my ring, off at the jewelers to get sized. The jeweler I talked to on Sunday told me he would have it done in a couple days, so you can understand my shock and anger when random homeboy working yesterday told me I'll have it in a week. I literally almost punched him. The jeweler better start working on my ring as soon as he gets in today so I can have it back in my promised two days! How do they expect a girl to wait a whole week?!?


Yesterday was a great day (besides having to drop off my ring) because it was the first day I wore boots! Ahhh, my heart was happy. All of this crips, fall weather has me in the fall outfit mood, and there's nothing I'm loving more than a fall dress/skirt. It was all inspired by this picture I found while wasting my time looking at Pinterest...

I'm all about the sweater over a dress/skirt, leggings, and boots. And don't forget a fab scarf! Now that I won't be working with kiddos this fall/winter (...and now I'm heartbroken and depressed all over again. So much for trying to stay positive) I'll be rocking this look all day, errr day! Well, that is if I even have the funds to go shopping!

Here are some other Pinterest fall dress finds that I'm loving...

(We might as well pretend like it's Wednesday and I'm linking up with OHP)

Great way to turn a summer dress into a fall outfit

A little inappropriate for the workplace (unless you want your coworkers to whisper behind your back) but cute for the weekends!
LOVE the splash of color!
You can find all of these outfits on my Dream Closet Board on Pinterest.

What style are you looking forward to wearing this fall?


  1. When I got engaged, everytime I had to drop my ring off it was torture. Then I had it appraised (because the diamond came from an old ring so we didn't know the actual value of it) and the appraisal took like 3 weeks! I was not impressed.

  2. Your ring is stunning wow! xx

  3. New follower - congrats on the engagement! Totally hear you about the ring! I had to do the same, get it sized, took a week! Now they're telling me it will take 10 days to put my rings together and I'm procrastinating like no other!

  4. So excited that someone else is bringing out the fall clothes already! Love the ring btw Congrats!

  5. First off, you're ring is simply beautiful!

    And thanks for posting that first picture. I honestly never thought of wearing a skirt with leggings, boots, sweater and scarf. I usually just wear leggings and a dress so this offers so much more variety. Plus I found some cute stretchy skirts for super cheap the other day :)

  6. Love all of these! I can't wait for it to be cold enough to wear a dress with tights and boots. So easy peasy! And what are you going to do next for work? I say nanny.

  7. I'm looking forward to anything that doesn't say MATERNITY on the label!!!!!! :D

  8. i am looking forward to all of those outfits for sure!!! and isn't it crazy how you can have your engagement ring only a few days and you feel naked without it!

  9. i want your ring! its just so gorg!!!!!! love youuu

  10. Love all of these outfits! and your ring is so pretty.

  11. Ok first of all, CONGRATULATIONS! Second of all, I love those dresses. Great choices! New Follower :)

  12. huge congrats on the engagement and beautiful ring by the way! I just found ya from the big messy dirty hair giveaway and excited to be following you...we're gonna get along great with all this fall stuff going on. I'm a huge fan of this season - ain't no shame! haha. excited to read more posts from ya!

  13. Lovin' your Pinterest style finds. Also- a big fat CONGRATULATIONS is in order! How the heck did I miss the good news?! Yay for you!

  14. So excited for you girl!! big things coming your way!

  15. I LOVE all of these outfits! Haha pretty sure I have them all pinned, too! ;) Annnnd girl, your ring is GORGE! Congrats!!

  16. Wow your ring is gorgeous! Congratulations!! :-)

    Loving all these looks too, especially the white dress paired with black for fall :-)

    Vanessa x


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