
Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Ever have those moments in life when you feel like you're constantly surrounded by people and all you want to do is

Ever since Justin and I got engaged, I feel like we've been surrounded by people non-stop.

I'm not saying I hate that. Because I absolutely love seeing family and friends and sharing with them our engagement story. It's so fun!

But at the same time, I'm an introvert at heart. There are times when my extrovert side comes out, but being around people non-stop sucks the energy right out of me.

I'm just craving some quiet time. {Which is hard to find right now with four people living in a shoebox of an apartment.}

I think it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of society. Always on the go, always surrounded by people. But for me, the moments when I'm alone are the moments when I'm most aware of my feelings, my needs, myself...

Take some time for yourself today. Turn off the TV, your music....your brain! Find a quiet place where you can be alone to think, write, read, pray...or just be still.

A little bit of solitude is always good for my soul, and I think it will be good for yours too.


  1. I believe alone time is extremely healthy and everyone needs it. My boyfriend and I will schedule things seperately so we can each have alone time at the house every now and then just to regroup or even watch tv shows that we don't want to admit we like lol great post!

  2. I totally get this. Just wrote a post kinda like this and left it as a draft. Life gets so busy sometimes that I forget to stop and just breathe and enjoy it. What a waste! Thanks for this reminder today, love. I needed to read this.

  3. AMEN sista! I decided to read a little last night before falling asleep and it was so nice and relaxing, I think it helped me sleep better. I believe sometimes you just have to clear your mind and be alone, I never find anything wrong with that.

  4. Girl, I am the EXACT same way. I love being around people, but I gotta have ME time. Audrey Hepburn had said that if everyone would leave her alone from Saturday night to Monday morning, and just leave her alone in her apartment, her life would be perfect.


  5. So true. That was none of the things I loved the best about unemployment. Getting the chance to just be alone wandering around by myself. Heaven. No one to speak to, to answer to, to listen to their chewing.

  6. I am the same way! I love being around people, but I love my alone time too. Some people just can't seem to understand that though!

  7. I completely agree. Sometimes I just need to take time to myself. I think it should be mandatory that we have that time to ourselves. It's very easy to be swayed into thinking that you want something with a million opinions roaming around. Once you have some alone time, you receive clarity on the things that you truly want.

    Hopefully you get some alone time soon :)

  8. Oh I absolutely enjoy every moment I get by myself these days! Which is why my afternoon walk around the lake (all by my lonesome) is going to be the highlight of my day!! I hope you get that peace and quiet you are looking for- you deserve (and need) it!

  9. I'm the exact same way!! I LOVE being alone!!! I think it's healthy to have alone time! Have you gotten your ring sized yet?

  10. Congrats on your engagement! Give it some time and everything should settle down. (:


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