
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Oh How Pinteresting

In case y'all want to know, my first (and second) day of work went splendid! I'm in the process of sprucing up my desk to look all cutesy and whatnot...because we all know that is what's really important when starting a new job! I've been a little (or a lot) busy with getting used to my new job and new schedule, and honestly. blogging has been my last priority. But you know I can't pass up OHP! So link up with Michelle and join me!



  1. SOOOOOO glad your first two days went well!! Good luck on Day #3 :) And as usual, I'm loving your pins!

  2. glad your first two days went well! love that elbow patch sweater!

  3. don't you just love to decorate a new desk?? totally fun in my book!!

    love the outfit with the maxi skirt and floppy hat!!

    Found you on the OHP link up! xo, Bev

  4. Yay for work going well! So glad. And I need that maxi and striped shirt outfit yesterday

  5. SO happy everything is going well!! I'm jealous you get to decorate a desk area! I feel like it's the grown up version of decorating your locker. Haha ohhh middle school!

  6. So glad you're new job is going well! Love your pins!


Your sweet comments make my day! Thank you for stopping by my blog. Hope to hear from you again :) xoxo