
Monday, October 29, 2012

Weekend Highs and Lows

Week two of the new job and I'm already exhausted. I think it would be a great idea if someone would create a day between Sunday and Monday that is solely dedicated to sleeping. Sleepday. Who's with me?!

Onto my weekend highs and lows...


*J and I took our engagement pictures yesterday! It wasn't the best day weather wise; cloudy, windy, and maybeeee 40 degrees. But we had so much fun. Our photographer was hilarious and made us feel super comfortable. Even Justin got into presh! Despite the cloudiness, the sun peaked out near the end and gave us the perfect fall lighting. I can't wait to get the pictures back next week and show you all!

*I bought fleece-lined tights for our engagement photos. Ladies, you need to go out and buy yourself a pair ASAP. Ah-maze-balls. So warm. So soft. So perfect.

*I brought to Justin's attention how great he looks in a sweater. I'm on a mission to prep this boy up. Now, I think he'll be more open to my Christmas and birthday presents of sweaters and other fashionable items that need to be in his closet. I'm going to start a Pinterest board dedicated to his closet make-over.


*Our apartment complex is being re-roofed and the roofers decided it was time to work outside of my bedroom window at 9 o'clock, Saturday morning. I just wanted one morning to sleep my face off...but nooooo. Cussing each other out, singing terribly, stomping on my ceiling.... give. me. a. break. Can't a girl get some peace and quiet around here?

What were your weekend highs and lows?

And all of you lovelies over on the East Coast....stay safe! I'll be praying for you all!


  1. Can't wait to see your engagement pictures! Where did you find fleece lined tights? They sound fabulous! I love your method of getting Justin to be more open to sweaters, I might have to try that tactic!

  2. Can't wait to see your beautiful pictures! How fun!



  3. I can't wait to see the engagement pictures! :) And I would be PISSED at those roofers! :( :( :(

  4. YESSSSSSS times ten to sleepdays, amazing pictures (that I can't wait to see), fleece tights, and preppy boys!!

  5. I can't wait to see your engagement pictures! I bet they turned out great regardless of that bad weather. The weather was similar to that the day we took ours, even raining a bit and the lighting was perfect in them!

  6. That picture is gorgeous! And oh my gosh, I totally understand about the roofing--the landscapers always decide to cut the grass at 8:30 am on the ONLY day I can sleep late during the week. SO annoying. Hope you find some time to sleep this week!

  7. Sleep day!!!!!!! YESSSSS PLEASE! Haha! Cannot wait to see your pics!


Your sweet comments make my day! Thank you for stopping by my blog. Hope to hear from you again :) xoxo