
Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday's Letters


Dear Friday, I'm so glad you're here! A day off of work and a big date night with the fiancĂ© is perfection. Maybe I should be working out, getting this bod in tip top shape for date night, but instead I'm eating pretzel M&Ms and planning my attack on finding the perfect outfit for tonight. Dear Work, I really appreciate all of these days off and random snow days, but I haven't had a full paycheck since December. Homegirl has a wedding to pay for, and lets not even mention my spending habits. Dear PF Changs, I hope you're ready to bring your A-game tonight (but when do you not?) Get the calamari and Asian Pear Mojitos ready. Dear My Strange Addiction, you are seriously the weirdest show ever but I can't turn you off! A lady who licks her cat? Homeboy who's in love with his inflatable pool toy? So disturbing yet so entertaining. You make me feel like some sick and twisted human being. Dear New Followers, Welcome to Yours Truly! There have been a whole lot of you the past couple of weeks, and I am so glad to have you around! Dear Cat, Lose some weight, Charlie. Those pretty girl cats aren't going to like all that hangage in your midsection. Dear Lovelies, Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. EW I saw the lady that licks her sick!

    Have a great date night!

  2. I've seen some pretty weird episodes of My Strange Addiction! Hope you have a great weekend.

    The Hartungs Blog

  3. I love the PF Change tradition - that's actually one of ours as well. When we lived in Blacksburg, VA - I would ask John to take me to Charlotte, NC once a month just so I could partake of PF Chang... he never said no - he loves it too! Have so much fun tonight!! Let me see what you wear!

  4. I saw the cat-licking lady too. GROSS. Why can't I stop watching this show??


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