
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

It's Only Wednesday?

....but seriously??? I had to look at my calendar to make sure it was only Wednesday and not like... Sunday. I can't begin to explain to you how slowly this week is going by. I'm pretty sure I'm one psychotic parent away from my brain completely shutting down.

We had our big Perfect Attendance Award Ceremony last night for the preschoolers, and while I wanted to strangle everyone and their mom's over the planning, it turned out great. It was so adorable watching the kiddos walk across the makeshift stage --which we built out of blocks-- to get their certificates. You could see all over their faces how proud they were! I love kids!

But back to the fact that my brain is barely working, I think it's a perfect day for Oh How Pinteresting! And today's OHP is dedicated to Valentine's Day. I always enjoyed celebrating Valentine's Day -- a day dedicated to all the love in your life --but since J and I started dating, it's been even more special. Not only do we have an excuse to spend money on a date, but we also get to celebrate our anniversary. {3 years on the 13th!} Maybe some of these pins will give you ideas for Valentine's Day! Show those in your life how much you love them. Your significant other, girlfriends, family -- who says V Day is just for lovas?


Your sweet comments make my day! Thank you for stopping by my blog. Hope to hear from you again :) xoxo