
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Smoothies Make the World Go Round

There's nothing I love more than a smoothie. Especially for breakfast. You see, I'm the type of person that lays in bed every morning until the last possible second before I scramble to get ready and look professional all before being at work at 8:00am. Getting ready so quickly has become one of my most perfected skills. You all might want to take notes.

I wanted to find a recipe for a healthy, hearty breakfast smoothie that would keep me full until lunchtime. So, like any other logical female, I took to Pinterest. That's where I found this recipe.


I had some random ingredients that I thought would be delicious together, so I took the general idea of the recipe and make my own. Of course, it was delicious. Follow the directions below to recreate my Orange Pineapple Banana Oatmeal Smoothie:

- 1 ripe banana
- 1/2c mandarin oranges
- 1/2c pineapple chunks
- 1/3c rolled oats {I prefer the non-quick oats}
- 1/3c Non-fat, plain Greek yogurt
- 1c Non-fat milk {add more if needed}
- 1Tbsp melted coconut oil
- Add a little bit of orange juice and pineapple juice for added flavor.

Blend all of the ingredients well and chill in the refridgerator overnight. The mixture will be more watery than your average smoothie, but that's okay! While you chill the smoothie overnight, the oats will soak up a lot of the liquid, making the smoothie thicker the following morning.

I am in love with how easy, filling, and delicious this smoothie recipe is. It's the perfect out-the-door breakfast. Get creative with the recipe! Experiement with different fruits, vegetables, or greens to create a variety of healthy breakfast smoothies.

What is your favorite smoothie combination?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Pasty No More

Spring's late arrival here in good ol' Michigan is really grinding my gears. (Who am I? An 80 year old woman???) Last year around this time, we were experiencing unseasonably warm temperatures and this girl did not mind one bit. Also, last year around this time I was fake baking like no one's business. How do they expect you to pull out the shorts and skirts when your legs are white enough to blind anyone who looks in your general direction?

I've always had bad luck with self tanners, which is why I chose to kill myself slowly in the cancer box. My skin is really dry which means my skin cells sluff off (sorry for the visual) at a higher rate than the average person. I would use self tanner for a week, and the next thing I knew, my skin was all splotchy and uneven. Since I made a vow to stay away from the cancer box this year, I decided I needed to find a self tanner worth investing in -- a self tanner that would work well with my dry skin. All of my research led me to this product:

Fake Bake Flawless Self-Tan Liquid. (Also know as Bronze Goddess in a Bottle. I just made that up...) Fake Bake can be a little pricey compared to your drugstore self-tanners, but it's worth it. I bought my bottle here at a little bit of a discount.

I can't begin to explain how much I love this self-tanner! It's super easy to apply. Once you've exfoliated your skin, you just spray the product on the application mit and rub it all over your body. The application mit makes for super easy and flawless coverage. The bronze tint allows you to see where the product has already been applied so you don't have to wonder if you've already gotten that akward spot in the middle back or not.

Apply the Flawless Self-Tan Liquid daily until you've reach your desired color. After that, apply the product every couple of days to maintain your tan. Make sure to exfoliate your entire body every 5-7 days to help remove the extra dead skin cells.

So, what are you waiting for? Go buy yourself a bottle and become a Bronze Goddess before you're forced to flash those pasty legs. You can thank me later....

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Baseball {Widow} Season

Well ladies and... ladies? I'm not sure how many gents venture over to this side of the internet. It's that time of the year again... Baseball Widow Season. If your boo-thang plays, coaches, or eat/sleeps/breathes the dang sport, you know exactly what I'm talking about.

Justin and I already have pretty opposite works schedules -- I work your typical 8am-4:30pm while J works mostly evenings -- but with his coaching season just getting started, late practices are making our time together pretty sparse. Once games start? Well see ya never!

Don't know if you're a true baseball widow? The checklist below should solve that problem for you...

You're a baseball widow if....

Your time spent "together" includes a) watching from the stands as your significant other coaches a game or b) watching any team play on TV...and don't expect to talk unless it's related to the game.

Your phone calls get ignored because your significant other is watching a game...or watching the highlights from the game he just watched. If you're lucky, you'll get the: "Hey babe, I'm really busy with something right now. Can I call you back soon?"

Your significant other is gone every weekend in the summer because he's coaching summer ball.

You can't talk to your significant other for at least 12 hours after a terrible game.

Watching Web Gems on SportsCenter is the most exciting thing you've watched for a couple hours.

You're already looking forward to baseball season being over...

Anyone else joining me in the Baseball Widow Club this year???

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Jenna Lately

Once again, I've been the worst blogger. But who says that if you don't blog every day you're a bad blogger? I think it's time I start setting my own standards for this little corner of the internet I call mine! Plus, I always have more to share if I've let a few days slip by without a post.

Meet Miguel Dos. The Dos obviously signifies there was a Miguel Uno -- he only lasted four days due to some nasty fungus growing on him. That's what I get for spending $1.99 on a Meijer fish. Fingers crossed that Miguel Dos doesn't kick the bucket anytime soon. My co-worker pointed out that if I wanted Miguel Dos to live long, I probably shouldn't have named him after a fish that only lived 4 days. So she has a point, but I can't rename him -- that would be traumatizing for the little guy who has found his identity in his name.

Even though it was rainy and cold last Friday, I pulled out my new nude studded flats in hopes that Spring would magically appear. Sadly, Spring did not appear and I chose a bad time to break in a new pair of flats. I currently have nasty sores on the back of both my heels. Oh well, that's the price us women pay for cute shoes!

I got to play Mommy for a whole 24-hours to these two precious babies. My cousin and her husband took a much deserved weekend trip, and when they asked me to watch the kiddos, I jumped on the chance! It was so much fun, but so exhausting! These two are the best babies e.v.e.r. -- Momma taught them well! Tess and I made cupcakes, had a little manicure time, and snuggled while we watched The Lion King and Wreck It Ralph. It's a good thing I got my snuggles in with Owen, because once Justin got there, he turned into the ultimate baby hog. But how can you not with chubby cheeks like those?

I went on a bit of a spending spree yesterday...oops! Sometimes I just get this itch to buy accessories. It's an addiction really. Once I start, I can't stop. I bought a necklace (not shown above) before 8:30am yesterday. That's when you know you need help.

Justin and I finally took the plunge and booked a church for our big day. We had taken a tour of this church a while ago, but had a hard time booking it because the church's wedding coordinator is a wackjob, not to mention the church is very old and doesn't have air conditioning. But, after more searching, it looked like this church was our only option. I'm not mad -- it's absolutely gorgeous. It has beautiful stained glass windows and a huge pipe organ (that we won't be using unless someone wants to donate $300 to pay the church's off). I'm just apologizing to our guests in advance for the no air conditioning part. We promise we won't drag out the ceremony. And if you don't hear from me after September 1st, it's because I'm in jail for strangling the wedding coordinator.

Friday, March 15, 2013

They Say Everyone Has an Inner Ninja Turtle

We all know those individuals who make us question the human race. The things that come out of their mouth either make you laugh hysterically or make you want to kill a kitten. Thankfully, my career gives me the opportunity to work with so many of these individuals that just love to entertain me on the daily.

Like my coworker who, while explaining a parent's belligerent behavior said, "Well, they say everyone has an inner Ninja Turtle. It's a scientific fact." ....what's that supposed to mean?

Or the endless unwanted information I'm given daily...

Me: "Hello, is so-and-so available?
Dad: "That my baby momma. She don't live here no more. See, CPS got her for child abuse and....." *five minutes and details I shouldn't know later* " that's why she ain't here."
Me: "Well, I'm sorry you're dealing with that. I just called because I noticed your child isn't in school today....."

Mom: "So-and-so isn't going to be in class today because she's so constipated she's been throwing up all night. There's vomit all over my bathroom right now."
Me: "....I'm sorry to hear that."

Or how about those really great voicemails on consumer's phones?

*Some classy ringback song about gang rape* You've reached so-and-so. Leave me a message. God bless you, every one of you.

"GOOOOOD MORNING VIETNAM!" {I completely forgot what I called this parent for after hearing their voicemail.}

Or the voicemails you get from them....

"Hey Jenna, it's so-and-so.....BOY, YOU BEST SHUT THE F*** UP. THEY BE THINKING I BE BEATIN' YO ASS!, anyways. Jenna, it's me...."

But my personal favorite is when they cuss you's exciting!

I once had a parent call me every name in the book the moment she saw me. I slammed the door in her face and she came back two hours later.... "Oh hey girl, you're looking so cute today!"  Who is this female?

Or the parent who cussed me out over the phone when her child missed school because she thought we had a snow day. "You know what you need to do? Get up early in the morning and call the TV stations to say if you're open or closed." Okay, homegirl. Let me do that for you. I'm a social worker, not a news reporter.

And then there's that mom who tells me every day that I look like Carrie Underwood. She's quickly becoming one of favorite people....ever......

I'm pretty sure I could write a book about all of the interesting individuals I've worked with the past two years. And that's why I love social work. Sure, I'm passionate about helping those who are high-risk, but I enjoy the excitement that each day brings.

And with that said, I've had too much excitement at work this week... so cheers to the weekend!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Back At It

I never thought I would say this, but the last month or so I've been really neglecting my Pinterest account. I'm not sure if it's because of boredom or because I'm trying to get away from the millions of Grumpy Cat pins (p.s. not funny anymore...) but I've honestly spent a total of 20 minutes on my former obsession this month; all 20 of those minutes being last night. I will admit, it did fill that large small Pinterest sized hole in my heart. Maybe I'll have a Pinterest relapse? I guess we'll see with time...

Happy, happy Wednesday, loves!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


First, can we acknowledge the fact that its already March 12th? Ummm, I'm pretty sure a blink ago it was January. I almost had a panic attack yesterday while meeting with a parent yesterday when he asked me what the date was. It was one of those -- "It's March 11th omg my car payment is due in four days" kind of moments.

Even though time is moving super fast and I feel so disoriented these days, one great thing about it already being March 12th is that spring is fighting to arrive here in Michigan. Sure, it's only supposed to be in the mid- to high- 30s today, but we had a gorgeous 50 degree day this past Sunday. I even got to take my very first outdoor run of the year.

One of my favorite things about spring is break out the neon colors. I love bright, bold colors. I know it can be a little intimidating for some, so one of the easiest and greatest ways to rock a pop of color is through accessories. Here are some accessories I would love to add to my collection.


Charlotte Russe neon sandals / Kate Spade statement necklace / Marc by Marc Jacobs chain jewelry / Chunky jewelry, $14 / Charm necklace / Tube scarve

Friday, March 8, 2013

High Waisted

I never thought Friday would come this week. This is the first week I have worked a full week since before Christmas Break! With snow days and federal holidays every single week, it's about time I get paid for a full 5 days -- but my body and mind are running on fumes.

I'm really loving this fun new link-up hosted by Kelly and Lindsey. It gives me the opportunity to look at fashion trends that terrify me with new eyes -- like this post I wrote about my fear of red lips. Hours after writing that post, I was rocking my very first cherry pout. So, without further adieu, this week's Fearless Fashion Friday!

If there is one fashion trend I'm most afraid of, it is the high waisted short. While so adorable if done right, you could be walking around with a mom-butt if you pick the wrong pair.

I'm terrified that I'll think I'm rocking a pair of cute high waisted shorts when in reality I'm looking like a Soccer Mom chaperoning the middle school dance. But enough about my legitimate fear, here are some looks I would love to wear sans mom-butt.

What fashion trend are you nervous to try?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Wedding Inspiration

It's officially less than 6 months until J and I say "I Do". It wasn't until I got this text message from my amazing Maid of Honor that everything felt so real.

I've been feeling all mushy gushy and emotional over marrying my best friend and soul mate. I was browsing the wedding board on Pinterest last night and got all teary eyed. I really cannot wait until September 1st -- the day that will be the best day of my life.

I wanted to share with you lovelies a few of my latest wedding inspirations. I have this grand idea in my head as to what I want our wedding to look like and be like. I just pray that it will come together just like my vision!

**Don't forget to enter my OPI Euro Centrale Giveaway for a chance to win two nail polishes**

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Monday, March 4, 2013

A Weekend Full of Baseball

....or at least that's what it felt like. Okay, so I really only did something baseball related on Saturday, but it took over my entire weekend. Waking up at 7am on the weekend when your body clearly knows you should be sleeping it will cause endless exhaustion for the rest of the weekend.

J put on his first baseball clinic for kiddos 7-14 years old this weekend. Because J thinks I know as much about baseball as homegirl below, he put me in charge of registration. I was the most responsible one there, so obviously I should be in charge of the money.

I promise I know more about baseball than she does...

Problem number one arose when Pops paid for his child's sessions with a hundred dollar bill. You should know that I'm terrible at basic math. It gives me great anxiety to have to do math in my head on the spot. Irrational? Absolutely. But it's just not my cup of tea. I have no idea what I did, but of course, I gave homeboy the wrong change. I made up some lame excuse as to why I messed up, but lets be honest, it was just an example of my math challenged brain. I'll also blame it on the fact that it was 8.45 on a Saturday morning.

Best part of the whole day? Commentary from the young chaps as they ran from session to session.

"Ma! The Gatorade!"
"Dude. Did you see that catch? I'm so making the team this time!"
"I didn't know you had run this much in baseball."
"Those baseballs are harder than I remember." {huh?}

I did my part as the coaches fiancé and better half-- chummed it up with some semi obnoxious man associated with the Little League, convinced parents they should sign their kid, who probably has no future in baseball, up for more sessions, and made sure all the clinic coaches had lunch. I made friends with some high-larious mothers, gave randoms directions to other areas of the school -- even though I had no idea what I was talking about -- and I get to do it all over again next Saturday. J is lucky that I love him.

I think a date night is in order, am I right ladies?

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and got more sleep than I did!

Friday, March 1, 2013

OPI Euro Centrale Giveaway

I'm not one to go all crazy when OPI comes out with a new collection, and when I heard they were coming out with the Euro Centrale Collection, I couldn't have cared less. That all changed when I walked into Ulta the other day and there sat the little collection of 12 polishes, right in front of my face. While I'm not crazy about all 12 colors, I would definitely rock a majority of them (confession: I'm not into shimmery polishes -- sue me). I immediately picked up two of colors, OPI... Eurso Euro -- a gorgeous dark cobalt blue, and You're Such A Budapest -- the perfect lilac color for Spring.

Because I love you all so much and I haven't done a giveaway in a while, I've decided to give one lovely reader their choice of TWO OPI EURO CENTRALE POLISHES!

OPI Giveaway
TOP (from left to right): A Woman's Prague-ative//OPI... Eurso Euro//Hands Off My Kielbasa//Suzi's Hungary Again!//You're Such A Budapest//My Paprika Is Hotter Than Yours!
BOTTOM (from left to right): I Saw...U Saw...We Saw...Warsaw//'t Find My Czechbook//Oy-Another Polish Joke!//My Vampire Is Buff//Vant To Bite My Neck?

All you need to do for your chance to win two OPI polishes is use the Rafflecopter tool below! I will be checking entries, so please don't waste my time and actually do them! Muchas gracias in advance. Good luck lovely ladies and have a fabulous Friday!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway