
Friday, September 28, 2012

High Five for Friday

Is it really Friday, or is this week just playing tricks on me again? I swear I've woken up three days in a row thinking it was Friday. It's just been that kind of week! But now that Friday is here, bring on a nice, relaxing weekend!

I'm celebrating this lovely day of the week with a High Five for Friday link-up post. Link up with Lauren to join the fun.

1. I know you've only seen this picture 12 billion times, but in my humble opinion, 12 billion is not nearly enough! I finally got my ring back on Monday after it was gone for what seemed like an eternity getting sized. Yes, I was the psycho customer who called asking about my ring when they clearly stated they would call me as soon as it was done. I even made Justin call once...

2. Speaking of weddings, Justin and I finally picked a wedding date! After much consideration, and after Justin check Michigan's football schedule for next year, we'll be getting hitched on...

September 14th, 2013!

We picked that date after we decided on September 28th, 2013, only to realize my cousin is getting married the very next weekend. Ummm, yeah...NO! We'll give the fam at least a couple weeks in between festivities! 


3. While rummaging through my millions of polishes for my weekly self-manicure, I decided on my official Fall 2012 nail color. Essie's Bobbing for Baubles. I'm in love with this dark navy. And no, that's not my hand in the above picture. I hate taking pictures of my nails, so I just found that bad boy on Google. Go ahead, judge me...

4. It's officially boot season here in Michigan! At least, I'm declaring it boot season. I picked up these Madden Girl Chelsea boots in Cognac last weekend and broke them in this week. They're definitely going to be my new go-to boot this season. IN.LOVE. Check out the link above to snag yo'self a pair!

5. Okay, I know I'm supposed to have five super great things about this week for the High Five for Friday link-up, but I got nothin'. So you're just going to have to be happy with four.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Do What You Love

This whole job searching thing is discouraging. Two of my co-workers already have new jobs, another has an interview this morning, and little ol' me is just waiting...

I have this internal struggle every time I look for job openings. I find jobs that I know I could apply for and very well get, and being the worrier that I am, I feel like I should lock something down since I only have a month left at my current job. The only problem is, I know I wouldn't love what I was doing if I was offered and accepted those positions.

I love what I'm doing now and am having a really hard time coming to terms with the fact that my time there is almost done. That's why I'm hoping and praying and trying to hold out to hear about another position that I know I would absolutely love.

When you're spending 40+ hours a week working, why would you ever settle for something less than what you love? I'm a strong believe that we're created with a purpose and a passion and to spend large amounts of time doing something we're not passionate about, is a waste of life.

Don't settle for anything that doesn't make you happy, that doesn't fulfill your passions, that you don't love. Nobody wants to get to the end of their life and be overcome with regrets or feel like they didn't fulfill their purpose in life.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Ever have those moments in life when you feel like you're constantly surrounded by people and all you want to do is

Ever since Justin and I got engaged, I feel like we've been surrounded by people non-stop.

I'm not saying I hate that. Because I absolutely love seeing family and friends and sharing with them our engagement story. It's so fun!

But at the same time, I'm an introvert at heart. There are times when my extrovert side comes out, but being around people non-stop sucks the energy right out of me.

I'm just craving some quiet time. {Which is hard to find right now with four people living in a shoebox of an apartment.}

I think it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of society. Always on the go, always surrounded by people. But for me, the moments when I'm alone are the moments when I'm most aware of my feelings, my needs, myself...

Take some time for yourself today. Turn off the TV, your music....your brain! Find a quiet place where you can be alone to think, write, read, pray...or just be still.

A little bit of solitude is always good for my soul, and I think it will be good for yours too.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Letters


Dear FiancĂ©,  AHHH I can't believe we've been engaged for almost a week! It still doesn't feel real. I am so blessed to be marrying such an amazing man. Thank you for loving me and choosing me. I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life with my best friend. Dear Babies, The daycare closes in a month, at the most, and I'm so scared for you. I'm sorry that the "community" thinks it's better for you to go to some random daycare and eventually fall through the cracks. It's not fair. Ugh, and now I'm crying. I'd adopt you all in a heartbeat. Dear Washtenaw County Head Start, Let's do everyone a favor. Accept my application and hire me without an interview. Please and thank you. I need at-risk children in my life to feel complete. Dear Jeweler, I'm expecting a call today letting me know my ring is done being sized. I'll be in to pick it up after work. GRACIAS! Dear Birchbox, Stillllll waiting for my box. I changed my mailing address long before you shipped my September box and you still sent it to my old house. Sweet life. Dear Self, I know getting used to a new "home" is difficult, but I would really appreciate a full night rest. I'm over waking up every couple of hours. Dear Readers, Thank you so much for all of your kind words and wishes on my I Said Yes post. I responded to most of you, but not all (I'm sorry!) and of course, you no-reply bloggers. So this is just a big THANK YOU! It meant so much to read all of those kind comments during such a wonderful time in life. You all are amazing!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fall Dresses

Sorry I've been MIA in Bloggerville lately (not that you missed me or anything!) but I've been so busy showing off my bling to some of my best girlfriends!

Just in case you wanted to see it again!
I'm currently depressed. Why you ask? Because yesterday on my lunch break I dropped my baby, my ring, off at the jewelers to get sized. The jeweler I talked to on Sunday told me he would have it done in a couple days, so you can understand my shock and anger when random homeboy working yesterday told me I'll have it in a week. I literally almost punched him. The jeweler better start working on my ring as soon as he gets in today so I can have it back in my promised two days! How do they expect a girl to wait a whole week?!?


Yesterday was a great day (besides having to drop off my ring) because it was the first day I wore boots! Ahhh, my heart was happy. All of this crips, fall weather has me in the fall outfit mood, and there's nothing I'm loving more than a fall dress/skirt. It was all inspired by this picture I found while wasting my time looking at Pinterest...

I'm all about the sweater over a dress/skirt, leggings, and boots. And don't forget a fab scarf! Now that I won't be working with kiddos this fall/winter (...and now I'm heartbroken and depressed all over again. So much for trying to stay positive) I'll be rocking this look all day, errr day! Well, that is if I even have the funds to go shopping!

Here are some other Pinterest fall dress finds that I'm loving...

(We might as well pretend like it's Wednesday and I'm linking up with OHP)

Great way to turn a summer dress into a fall outfit

A little inappropriate for the workplace (unless you want your coworkers to whisper behind your back) but cute for the weekends!
LOVE the splash of color!
You can find all of these outfits on my Dream Closet Board on Pinterest.

What style are you looking forward to wearing this fall?

Monday, September 17, 2012

I Said Yes!

I tried really hard to come up with a creative title for this post, but I'm just too excited and had no patience!

So a little back story first...

This past week was definitely a rough one. I told you all last week that my family and I recently sold and moved from the home we built and had been living in for 15 years. If that wasn't hard enough dealing with such a big change, we had a surprise meeting on Friday at work where we found out that the daycare would be closing in a month. A month. I have one month to find a new job.

I was devastated. You all know how much I love my job. Some big changes were on it's way to the daycare, and unfortunately, we were not able to come up with the money needed for these big changes. I honestly am not super sad about losing a job because I know that eventually I will find another. I'm heartbroken for the children. The care and love they received from my co-workers and I is something that they will probably not find in a community daycare. These children need a lot of attention and a lot of extra one-on-one time, considering their backgrounds, and community daycare settings are not staffed for that type of care. UGH! My heart is so sad...

So, needless to say, I was pretty down going into this weekend. Justin wanted to do something fun together to get my mind off of life's recent events, so we decided to go on a date Saturday night. We went out to dinner at a cute and delicious Italian restaurant and got some dessert at a frozen yogurt place down the street. We were in downtown Plymouth, the cutest downtown ever, and decided to walk over to the park and just sit and people watch.

We talked about so many things, like how the park in downtown Plymouth at night reminds us a lot of Parque Central in Antigua, Guatemala, where we shared our first kiss and spent hours getting to know each other.

Parque Central at night
We also talked about the tough times I've been going through. I've been feeling guilty lately and feeling like I've taken so much from Justin and just haven't been able to do much for him. My words were, "I'm so thankful for all that you have done for me lately and I just wish there was something that I could do for you." His response?

"Well, there is something you can do for me..."

AND THEN HE GOT DOWN ON ONE KNEE!!!!!! AHHHHH! And honestly, I'm not really sure what he said after that. Something along the lines of "will you marry me?" but I was too busy crying and laughing and freaking out and trying not to pass out to listen.


That picture doesn't do my ring justice. It's so gorgeous and so sparkly and my dream ring! I actually tried this exact ring on while we were on vacation Up North this summer. I fell in love with it and sat there staring at it for 15 minutes while the salesman told us about his daughter's wedding. Blah blah blah... And Justin, being the most amazing man ever, e-mailed the salesman a couple days later and bought the ring without me knowing! 

Now, if you knew me, you would know I have absolutely no patience at all. I've been wanting Justin to pop the question for quite some time. Every time we would go on a date I would hope that that would be the day he would propose, and every time I was let down. Saturday was no exception, until he mentioned something about how we could make it home in time to watch the end of some football game. I was legitimately pissed and was positive, without a doubt, that Saturday night was not the night. But the guy tricked me! It was a complete surprise and I could not be more happy!

Don't mind our squinty eyes. It was 1am by the time we thought about getting a picture together.
We are so excited! We spent the next 24-hours letting everyone and their moms know about our engagement, and let me tell you...that's exhausting! 

I cannot stop smiling! We all go through rough times in life and there are moments when you feel like thing's can't get any worse. You know the saying "When it rains, it pours." But then there are the moments after the storms when the sun comes back out and you have something to smile about.

I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my best friend!

P.S. I'm sorry if this post is a bunch of rambles. I'm just still so excited!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

High Five For Friday

I am so happy it's finally Friday! What a long week. My co-teacher was a lucky duck this week and had Monday through Wednesday off leaving me alone with a sub for three whole days! That's a long time to do the work of three people! And I say three because, let's be honest, we're understaffed and already do the work of one and a half people at least on a normal day. I'm one tired girl!

I'm trying something new and linking up with Lauren from From My Grey Desk Blog for High Five for Friday. Join me, will ya?

1. I attempted my very first four strand braid this week! I obviously need some practice, and learn how to make strands a little more equal than above, but I think it was a good start! I'm loving this braid and it looks amazing on super long and thick hair (both of which I'm lacking!) If you're interested in learning how to do this easy and fun braid, check out this video tutorial.

2. I finally found a grocery store that sells Ben & Jerry's Greek Frozen Yogurt! KROGER'S I LOVE YOU! ....oh.em.geeeee (more dramaticness and such) Raspberry Fudge Chunk is delicious. J and I devoured this bad boy in no time.

3. Our couch is finally getting delivered today. This whole sitting on the floor/in uncomfortable dining room table chairs is getting old. I'm ready to lounge fo realz.

4. I finally got my butt back in motion after not working out for who knows how long. I was doing so good at running at least four times a week and then the heat wave of the century hit and I refused to step outside if I didn't need to. It feels great getting back into working out!

5. It's that time of the year again! I bought some apple cider this week and was in heaven! And I must say, apple cider out of a mason jar definitely tastes better. Can't wait to warm it up with a little cinnamon. Yum!

Happy Friday, lovelies! I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

If You Really Knew JBarbs

So, I was reading the lovely Raven's blog the other day, like every day, and her post inspired me to write one of my own. I mean she's pretty genius when it comes to blogging, so it's not surprising that I was inspired by one of her posts. She took the ol' "If You Really Knew Me" post and turned it around on her hubby. So I thought to myself...great idea, Raven! But she's nicer than me. She actually told her hubby. Justin has no idea I'm doing this.

So, without stalling any longer, I present to you, If You Really Knew JBarbs!

If you really knew Justin... a.k.a. JBarbs... a.k.a. J... a.k.a The Biebs... a.k.a Pookie Bear (okay I never call him that) you would know...

*He is OBSESSED with sports. You don't even have to really know him to know that. But obsessed is an understatement. I have never met anyone who is legitimately upset when they miss some rando football game on TV that no one cares about. It deeply concerns me when I hear stories about how he had memorized random stats as a five year old.

*He bites his cuticles. His fingers look like a massacre. During baseball season, his fingers are at their worst.

*He loves himself. Put him in front of a mirror and he'll stand there forever smoothing out his sideburns and eyebrows. I'm surprised we haven't gotten into an accident because he's constantly looking in the rearview mirror at himself.

*He owned one pair of jeans (that didn't fit him) before he met me. His wardrobe consisted of sweats, hoodies, and t-shirts.

*He loves girly music. Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, P!nk, Avril... those ladies come on the radio and the conversation is done. Cue the dramatic facial expressions and high pitched voice. The boy can sing on key!

*Last Sunday, we went to church and Justin wore a polo shirt with one button undone. You're probably asking yourself why I'm telling you this. Well, because Justin didn't have any clean undershirts, so his chest hair was poking out from his shirt like some creeptastic child molester. I was legit embarrassed that I sat next to him the entire time and didn't notice.

*Justin secretly loves watching Pretty Little Liars with me. He honestly doesn't shut up the entire episode. It kind of annoys me...

*He thinks he's black. I'm pretty sure he would be happier than a fat kid with cake if he woke up tomorrow with dark skin and some street cred.

He looks like a baby
This kid is my best friend, biggest supporter, the love of my life, and in my opinion, the funniest human being ever. Not to mention he has the best dimples ever...

I'm so happy I snatched this stud up while he was still available!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hump Day Pins

It wouldn't be Hump Day without a little Pinterest. Link up with Michelle to share your favorite pins!


{Four Strand Braid. I need to learn how to do this!}

{King Nugget}

{I would go to any party serving mini bottles of Moscato with straws}

{Lace headband. I would probably look ridiculous, but it looks so cute on her.}

{DIY Message Coffee Mugs. WANT!}

{Pretty! MAC's Cut A Caper Lipstick}

{Fall Perfection}

{Get it together...}

{My own Secret Garden? I think so}

{Chevron Knuckle Ring. LOVE!}

{Flowers in mason jars}


Happy Hump Day! This chick has to run. I've had my Crest white strips on too long and I'm pretty sure they're burning a hole through my gums. Beauty is pain, right?! Peace, Love & White Teeth.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Few Of My Favorite Things

While I was at Ulta the other day picking up some prizes for recent giveaway winners, I naturally picked up something for myself. And by something I mean three things. Let's be honest, I'm a product junkie and I can't walk into Ulta/Sephora/Target/Anywhere without picking up a new product to try. It's a curse really. This Ulta trip reminded me that I haven't shared some of my latest obsessions with you ladies! And since the little tag line to my blog is "Ramblings of my life and latest obsession" I feel like I need to step up my game! So without future ado, some products you should definitely check out for yourself!

$65.00 for 1.7oz from Sephora
Coach Poppy- I can't leave the house without perfume. I feel self-conscious without it. Why? Who knows! The minute I walk into the stinky building I work in, I'm sure the stench overtakes this amazing perfume. But at least I smell good on my way there! Coach Poppy is by far one of my favorite scents. It's the perfect flirty-floral-girly scent. I've received a ton of compliments when I wear this perfume. Even Justin asked me what I was wearing! You know it has to smell good if a guy is interested in what perfume you're wearing! In my opinion, Poppy is worth splurging on.

$6 from The Body Shop
Mini Coconut Body Butter- So if you read my His & Hers post, the handsome Justin mentioned that I drown myself in lotion. But for a good reason! I have eczema, a.k.a my skin doesn't produce enough moisture, leaving my skin extremely dry. So I have to drown myself in lotion to keep from turning into the Sahara Desert! I've been looking for the perfect hand cream to carry in my purse, especially since cooler weather is on its way. I picked up this mini body butter and I couldn't be more pleased! It is very thick, so that may be a turn off for some of you, but it's the perfect cream for those trouble dry spots (hands, feet, knees, elbows). And the coconut scent? Heavenly! I'm instantly transported to a tropical island when I put this stuff on! All I need is a daiquiri. 

$12 from Ulta
OPI Rapid Dry Spray- When I was a senior in high school, I worked as a receptionist at a hair salon owned by the best boss in the world. Every Wednesday night, she would let me paint my nails while sitting at the front desk. Obviously, it's the small things in life that make me happy! But since I had work to do while and after painting my nails, I would use this handy dandy spray. 45 seconds after putting on your last coat of nail polish, mist this magic product on your nails and voila! Your nails are instantly dry! I can't believe I forgot about this rapid dry spray! I used it last night for the first time in forever and remembered just how much I love it. Five minutes after painting my nails, I was hammering nails into the wall to hang up my jewelry hanger. Side note, if you don't have a hammer, a platform heel works just as well! Who says girls can't be handy?

$10 at Ulta
L'Oreal True Match Compact Makeup- So, I was a mineral makeup girl through and through until a friend of mine talked about how much she loved L'Oreal's compact makeup. And of course, being the product junkie that I am, I had to try it. I have to admit, I love it more than mineral makeup! It has a better coverage but doesn't feel heavy or look like I'm a clown at a six year old's birthday party. NO ONE should have makeup so thick you look like a clown. Well, unless you are one.

And a couple products I picked up at Ulta that I haven't tried yet but I can't wait to...

$5.99 at Ulta
$5.99 at Ulta
Not Your Mother's Beach Babe and Clean Freak. I'm obsessed with sea salt spray and dry shampoo. I don't know what I did with my life, and hair, before I found them. I've heard great things about Not Your Mother's products, so when I spotted these at Ulta, I snatched them up. Have you tried Not Your Mother's products?

Happy Tuesday, ladies. Make today count!

Monday, September 10, 2012

We're All Moved In...

Welp, we had the big move this past weekend. My mom and I moved out of our family home of 15 years and into a teeny, tiny apartment. Like two girlfriends taking on the city.

Actually, it really sucked. First, it's not fun moving out of a really nice home that your parents built and into an apartment with your mom. Thumbs down all around. Second, our apartment sucks. It's nothing like the model that they showed us, its a lot smaller, and it's apparent that they haven't done any work to maintain this place since they opened the complex. It's safe to say I was a mess on moving day...and the day after.

So Momma Simps and I are doing our best to spruce up the place. With a little paint and some decorating, I think we can make this little hole in the wall somewhat cozy. But first we need to unpack everything, and let me tell you, we got rid of a ton of things when we moved and it's still not fitting in this tiny place!

Speaking of painting. Justin and I dove head first into painting my room.

Needless to say, we won't be opening our own painting company in the future. A lot of paint ended up on the floorboards and the ceiling. Oh and a little paint on the carpet and the doors. See, we're sooooo good at painting! If you need any painting done, just hit us up!

I just have to say, I don't know what I would do without my love. I loved him a lot before this weekend, but I definitely love him so much more. Not only did he spend his weekend helping move boxes and boxes of heavy things, but he's been by my side when I needed him the most.

You would think that moving wouldn't be so emotional, but this weekend was really hard for me. I think it was the combination of the past year with my parents divorcing and then having to move out of our home. But Justin was there for me no matter what. He even turned down tickets to the Michigan game. THE MICHIGAN GAME! That's a big deal and a whole lot of love on his part. I could go on and on about what an amazing person and boyfriend he is, but all you need to know is that I couldn't be more thankful. I'm the luckiest girl in the world...well, in my opinion!

Now that all the major moving stuff is over, I'm excited to get back into my normal schedule and that means consistent blogging! I've missed all you lovelies so much this past week. I can't wait to catch up on what's been going on in your neck of the woods!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

300 Follower Giveaway Winner!

Hello ladies! No blog post from me today since I spent 5 hours last night putting together this hunk of furniture...

But I wanted to stop by really quick and announce the winner of my 300 Follower Giveaway. If your name is Kasey and you blog over at College-Nanny Chronicles, you have an e-mail waiting for you! Congratulations Kasey!

I promise I'll be back to my normal blogging ways come next Monday when I'm all finished moving. But until then, I MISS YOU GUYS!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Oh How Pinteresting

Oh ladies. I'm stressin'! Only TWO days until the big move. So many mixed emotions. I'm so sad to be moving out of my family's home for the past 15 years and having to say goodbye forever. But I'm also excited to decorate a new place, even if it is a tiny apartment. And I'm ready to get this whole shebang over and just move on!

In honor of Oh How Pinteresting Wednesday, I'm linking up with Michelle and sharing some of my Pinterest finds that are the inspiration for the vision I have for my soon-to-be new room. Join me, will you?


I'm going with darker walls for my new room. My first option? A deep plum. I'm in love with this color!

Second option? A dark charcoal.

I'm loving this metallic paint stencil idea. I would go with circles instead of squares. But let's be honest, this it waaaayyyyy too much work for an apartment that I'll probably only be in for a year. 

I bought a gorgeous 8-drawer dresser from Ikea to recreate this look with an old mirror from my grandparents. And on this dresser, under the mirror...

...I'll be recreating this gorgeous long box of hydrangeas. Faux hydrangeas of course. Who has the money to keep up with real ones?

And for the little extra hints of character...

Door knobs used as curtain tie backs

Mason jars covered in lace or twine as a candle holder

Distressed letters to hang on the wall

And don't forget! Today is the last day to enter my 300 Follower Giveaway. So click here to enter for your chance to win!

Happy Wednesday, loves!