Monday, September 17, 2012

I Said Yes!

I tried really hard to come up with a creative title for this post, but I'm just too excited and had no patience!

So a little back story first...

This past week was definitely a rough one. I told you all last week that my family and I recently sold and moved from the home we built and had been living in for 15 years. If that wasn't hard enough dealing with such a big change, we had a surprise meeting on Friday at work where we found out that the daycare would be closing in a month. A month. I have one month to find a new job.

I was devastated. You all know how much I love my job. Some big changes were on it's way to the daycare, and unfortunately, we were not able to come up with the money needed for these big changes. I honestly am not super sad about losing a job because I know that eventually I will find another. I'm heartbroken for the children. The care and love they received from my co-workers and I is something that they will probably not find in a community daycare. These children need a lot of attention and a lot of extra one-on-one time, considering their backgrounds, and community daycare settings are not staffed for that type of care. UGH! My heart is so sad...

So, needless to say, I was pretty down going into this weekend. Justin wanted to do something fun together to get my mind off of life's recent events, so we decided to go on a date Saturday night. We went out to dinner at a cute and delicious Italian restaurant and got some dessert at a frozen yogurt place down the street. We were in downtown Plymouth, the cutest downtown ever, and decided to walk over to the park and just sit and people watch.

We talked about so many things, like how the park in downtown Plymouth at night reminds us a lot of Parque Central in Antigua, Guatemala, where we shared our first kiss and spent hours getting to know each other.

Parque Central at night
We also talked about the tough times I've been going through. I've been feeling guilty lately and feeling like I've taken so much from Justin and just haven't been able to do much for him. My words were, "I'm so thankful for all that you have done for me lately and I just wish there was something that I could do for you." His response?

"Well, there is something you can do for me..."

AND THEN HE GOT DOWN ON ONE KNEE!!!!!! AHHHHH! And honestly, I'm not really sure what he said after that. Something along the lines of "will you marry me?" but I was too busy crying and laughing and freaking out and trying not to pass out to listen.


That picture doesn't do my ring justice. It's so gorgeous and so sparkly and my dream ring! I actually tried this exact ring on while we were on vacation Up North this summer. I fell in love with it and sat there staring at it for 15 minutes while the salesman told us about his daughter's wedding. Blah blah blah... And Justin, being the most amazing man ever, e-mailed the salesman a couple days later and bought the ring without me knowing! 

Now, if you knew me, you would know I have absolutely no patience at all. I've been wanting Justin to pop the question for quite some time. Every time we would go on a date I would hope that that would be the day he would propose, and every time I was let down. Saturday was no exception, until he mentioned something about how we could make it home in time to watch the end of some football game. I was legitimately pissed and was positive, without a doubt, that Saturday night was not the night. But the guy tricked me! It was a complete surprise and I could not be more happy!

Don't mind our squinty eyes. It was 1am by the time we thought about getting a picture together.
We are so excited! We spent the next 24-hours letting everyone and their moms know about our engagement, and let me tell you...that's exhausting! 

I cannot stop smiling! We all go through rough times in life and there are moments when you feel like thing's can't get any worse. You know the saying "When it rains, it pours." But then there are the moments after the storms when the sun comes back out and you have something to smile about.

I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my best friend!

P.S. I'm sorry if this post is a bunch of rambles. I'm just still so excited!!!


Jasmine said...

Congratulations! But we are no longer Phantom Ring Syndrome buddies LOL. I wish you two the very best :) P.S that ring looks a whole freaking lot like MY dream ring. I'm not surprised by this at all haha it's beautiful! Congrats again! X

julia rose. said...

I am so so sooooo excited for you, sweet girl!! I know I only know you through blog-world but I can see how much the two of you care for each other! I cannot wait for wedding posts, updates, planning, etc! Thank GOD for Pinterest! YAHOOOOO!!!
On another note- I am so sorry to hear about the day care closing down. I can see how much those children mean to you, and you to those children. I pray you find another job you adore and those children find the love and support that they need!

Anonymous said...


I was the same way as you on getting my hopes up think every time you went out some place nice he would ask. I knew my fiance had my ring and we went on many trips and did big things for months and I would think THIS IS IT and then the trip would end and nothing. We dated 3 years and 2 days before he asked me.

How long have you guys dated?

I am a follower and would love to have you over at my blog.

Jenstar_Blonde said...

Ahhh!!! congratulations!!! i cannot wait until it happens to me!! you must be so excited!!! That was such a lovely thing for him to surprise you with a ring he knew you loved :D

also that is really sad about the kids! Hopefully they will get help and love somewhere else. you will find another kob dead easy girl!! you are fab :D

ahh you are so lucky :D congrats to you both again!!!

Jen xxx

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Congratulations!!

Kaileigh said...

Congratulations. And what a gorgeous ring. But then it looks a lot like mine so I might be biased!

Rachel said...

CONGRATS, girlfriend! That is SO exciting! What a precious post...makes me so happy for you!!!

Eliza said...

Congrats to both you and your man! I cannot wait to read more about the preparations for your wedding. He did a great job keeping that secret! I am never patient enough when I know I have a surprise, it's not to even suspect it!

Megan Wadsworth said...

Sooooo excited for you!!

Samantha said...

OMG Congratulations! The ring is beautiful!!!!

emily said...

congrats! this is SO exciting!

Jaanika said...

congrats!! am so happy for you!!:))

~Katie said...

Congratulations!! Your ring is absolutely gorgeous!!

Amber said...

So excited for you Jenna. Your ring is GORGEOUS! Enjoy every minute of it.

Angie said...

Congrats!! That is so exciting! I love the way it played out....something you could do for him. love it!

Libby's Life said...

Congratulations! Marriage is so amazing. Oh and your ring is gorgeous!

Dree said...

Congratulations!! Your ring is amazing and exactly what I'd want myself. It's so nice to have such a big surprise in the middle of tough times. And the way he secretly contacted the salesman - love! You both look so happy!

Erin said...

I'm still just as happy the second time around hearing about this!!! So flipping excited for you and jealous of that ring! Absolutely gorgeous. He certainly did a good job :)

Yesi @ Plan With Yesii said...

congrats <3333

Robin said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm soo happy for you!! Can't think of anything better to take your mind off a hard week! And the ring? STUNNING!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute... It makes me giddy for you!!! Lol Congrats. Your ring is stunning.

ty said...

That's so exciting :) congratulations!

BrieAshly said...

YAYYYYY! Your ring is gorg!! SO happy, CONGRATS!

Katie said...

congratulations!!! that is so exciting!!! and what a great thing to happen after a hard few weeks! what a beautiful ring!!! you are going to make a gorgeous bride!!!

Alicia Marie said...

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!! Congratulations my dear!! What a great guy you have, getting you the exact ring you wanted and keeping the engagement a secret, that's all too sweeet! I can't wait to see all your wedding preparations on here! You deserve all the happiness in the world! :D <333

Tere Shake said...

yay! i love the ring, simply gorgeous.

Buttons Apart said...

Congrats on your engagement! Beautiful ring :)

Nicole said...

Congratulations!! What a gorgeous ring!

The Best of Both Worlds said...

CONGRATS!!! So so exciting! Your going to be a gorgeous bride!! Look forward to reading all about your planning!

Kalie said...

Congrats girl, I am so happy for you! Sounds like a great way to end a hard week. And now you know you will always have Justin to lean on, sounds like a great guy!

Kasey said...

yay yay yay!! so excited for you! So glad he decided to do it on a weekend after you'd had a hard week, I'm sure that made it even more special :) your ring is gorgeous and you're going to be a beautiful bride!

henning love said...

oh my gosh great news!! so so exciting. congrats you two!! and your ring is absolutely beautiful!!

Leanne said...

AHHH!! Congrats!!

I'm so excited with you and for you! Marriage is honestly one of the biggest blessings in life (despite those ups and downs). Cherish this very special season in life because no other season in life is quite like this :)

I can't wait to follow along on this journey with you as you get ready to become a Mrs. Honestly, there's nothing like it! It's the best :)

Brittany Dawn said...

Congratulations! The ring is beautiful and marriage is such a wonderful thing!

Kelly { MessyDirtyHair } said...

Wow! So he's had this ring for some time now!! How sneaky!! The ring is beyond gorgeous! I am SOOOOO happy for you!!! Good job Justin!!! XO

Liz said...

Awwww! SO cute! Hope you find a great new job & congrats! :)

Alana Christine said...

Yay!! So exciting! Congratulations! LOVE the ring!

Books, Beauty, and Bars on a Budget said...

Congrats!!! Your ring is absolutely gorgeous! Can't wait to see a blog post about the actual wedding :)

Molly said...

How exciting! Congratulations gorgeous girl!!

Blue Dog Belle said...

OMG Honey, congratulations!!!! I'm so excited for you!!!

Andrea @ Love is... said...

Aw so exciting! Congratulations!! = )

Jessie said...

How exciting!!! Big congrats!!!!

Deeply Rooted said...

Love the ring!!!! {And your blog :)} Congrats!!

C Mae said...

Congrats pretty lady!!! Soak up every minute!

ashley said...

Congratulations! Your ring is beautiful!

Raven said...

The ring is GORGEOUS!! So exciting!!!!

now have babies.

Stephanie said...

Oh Jenna that's so exciting! I am so, so happy for you! That ring is absolutely gorgeous, I love it.

Emily @ Anna Delores said...

You SHOULD be excited and rambly, this is so awesome! Congrats! And that ring -- NICE!

Unknown said...

Girl, I am so excited for you. Congratulations!! The ring is gorgeous. I'm wishing you and Justin nothing but years and years of happiness!!! And all the other stuff going on will fall into place, I'm sure.

Unknown said...

YAY!! how so very very exciting and the ring is beautiful!! He did such a great job. Now, enjoy the engagement before you start diving head first into wedding planning and wedding magazines. just enjoy each other and this time because once the planning starts hold on tight! cannot wait to follow along!!

Diana Z said...

Wow so exciting. Congratulations!I am happy for you and all the best with your job situation.

Unknown said...

From one engaged gal to another, enjoy evey second of second it! This is such an exciting time:)

Little Miss MBA said...

Eeek! I am totally belated but CONGRATULATIONS! Can't wait to read about all that is to come!